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My series ‘Wrapped’ for STILL/RAGE is a response to our times. 


I am struck by the similarity between a traditional Jewish man wrapping himself in a prayer shawl and parents swaddling a newborn baby. It sets me thinking about questions related to protection, safety, comfort and belonging—and also tradition, education and meaning; as well as colour, beauty and reverence. Looking at Chagall, the ancient masculine rituals of tallit and tefillin, and the vulnerability of the very young—and of us all—leads me to double-edged thoughts about identity, religion, nationalism and human psychology.


In these times, what do we want for ourselves and for those we care about? The daily headlines of our most sober and respected media read like the apocalyptic ravings of the deranged roadside prophets of previous times. But here I am, weirdly fortunate—still—to live a life of privilege and plenty. So what comes next, how do I approach the last decades of this life? 


My optimistic and rational response is thoughtful, carefully considered political activism. But there’s another more desperate primal response that involves huddling, hiding, obliterating and wrapping—maybe seeking what is familiar, known, sensual, lazy and comfortable.  

I’ve encased the figures in these paintings in bulky layers of rich colour and comfort. Some are ensconced in symbols of ritual, belief and belonging, and there’s also plenty of random detritus. But this is the 21st Century so inevitably—inside—they remain hopelessly uneasy and inadequate.



All proceeds from the sale of my works at this exhibition were donated to the Environmental Defenders Office (EDO) NSW.


22 x 15 cm

drypoint etching with monoprint

edition of 10

© 2024 Janet Kossy

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